Sunday, August 5, 2012

Baby Shower

The dining room redo took a backseat to Shannon's baby shower. I have spent the last few weeks planning my sister-in-law's baby shower. I spent all day stressing over whether or not I was going to be able to pull it off. With the help of my sweet mother-in-law and some wonderful family and friends, it went off without a hitch! All-in-all, I think it was a success!

I'm definitely not an artist, so this is the disproportional monkey that I drew. Don't laugh!

I made the mistake of putting the monkey on the door before adding the tutu, so I had quite a bit of difficulty getting the tutu to stay on.. Notice the tape on the left side. Ha! 

This is the banner that I made. The pictures of it aren't that great, but it said "Welcome Harlee Sky."

I made a ruffled table skirt out of plastic tablecloths. Pretty cute, I thought! 

Here's the table!

My first fruit baby. Very cute!

My mother-in-law, Nina, made the BEST cupcakes!

She also bought these adorable mini cupcakes and brownie bites for the kiddos. They were perfect!

I made these cupcake toppers out of confetti to tie in the monkey theme.

The guests attempted to guess Harlee Sky's birthday! (:

This is the canvas I did for Miss Harlee. 

I made a motorcyle for Harlee out of diapers, receiving blankets, onesies, and bibs! 

The sock monkey didn't really want to ride..

Last but not least, the sweet mom-to-be!

Mommy with the carseat Uncle Brandon and Aunt Amanda got for Miss Harlee!

Saturday, August 4, 2012

That Dining Room

Well, it took longer than expected, but we are finally drawing our dining room redo to a close. We still have some decorating to do, but the room has been painted, and the table is done. I couldn't be happier with the way it turned out!!

The chairs aren't finished yet, but we have definitely made progress. I am pleased!

Saturday, July 7, 2012


It has been such a busy week between training for CVS/pharmacy, celebrating the 4th of July, and hanging out with our new friends! BUT! Guess what I did Monday? I FINALLY painted the dining room table! :) I am SO pleased with the way that it turned out! All that's left to do now is stain the top of it, and finish those chairs!!

I also managed to make some very patriotic chocolate covered strawberries which. to my surprise, turned out to be quite amazing!

Monday, July 2, 2012


The plans to finish the dining room failed miserably. We have been so busy recently that we haven't gotten anything done around the house. There is good news, though! I have started training for my position as a Pharmacy Intern at CVS/Pharmacy. I am pumped! Driving 2.5 hours away to train has definitely consumed a great deal of my time, though. We WILL finish the dining room.. EVENTUALLY.

Tuesday, June 26, 2012

Dining Room Fail

Last week was so hectic that, unfortunately, we did not get the dining room finished. Brandon moved the rest of his things from his house, and since we did not have time to unpack them, they all wound up in the dining room. My sweet husband sanded the dining room table for me, but instead of doing it outside, he did it IN the dining room. Needless to say, the entire dining room was covered in sawdust. I managed to get the room swept and cleaned, but there are a few things left in the corner that we need to unpack. I had grand plans to finish the dining room table yesterday, but our air conditioner decided to quit working Saturday. It's probably out of freon, so someone is coming to look at it today. Luckily, all of the rooms still have the original, pre-central-heating-and-air window units. With the exception of our bedroom, that is. It's been so hot outside that they haven't done a whole lot of good, though. Hopefully our air will get fixed today, and I will get around to working on the dining room. If The Tenth Circle doesn't keep me away, that is. [=

Thursday, June 21, 2012

Dining Room Table Redo

Brandon's sister gave us her old dining room table and chairs. It was white, worn, and not exactly what we wanted. We planned on buying a new table that we loved, but after a lot of thought and a little time on Pinterest, we decided we would try to spiff up free table that we had. We still have some sanding and staining to do, but this is what I've done so far.

The plan is to paint all of the chairs blue (done), stencil the seats, and stain them a dark brown. I am going to do the same thing to the table and a baker's rack that Brandon's mother gave us. It is very time consuming, so I haven't gotten very far. I am, however, in love with how beautiful it is turning out to be. (:

Tuesday, June 19, 2012

Making Progress

Since every room in the house has a door to shut it off from the rest of the house, the master bedroom is sort of small, and we have a king size bedroom suite, we decided to turn the master bedroom into the living room (ideal since the kitchen is across the hall) and turn the living room into the bedroom. I know it sounds weird, but we LOVE it! There's just no way we could've fit an entire king size bedroom suite into this room. It works wonderfully as the living room, though.

I spent hours cleaning every piece of wood in what is now the bedroom with Pledge oil. I am in love with that stuff. It really worked wonders on the old wood, and made the room look even more beautiful!

Spiderman was wonderful, but without any kids, we had no use for it! The room looks much brighter now without the blue.

We painted the small room connected to our bedroom and turned it into a closet. I am IN LOVE.

We decided to leave the kitchen alone since it had a new black, tile backsplash. We just cleaned it and added some curtains for a little warmth.

So far, everything is coming along nicely. It is feeling more and more like home each and every day! (: